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Sustainability and the Arts

SSHRC Insight Grant Funded Project

About The Project

The objectives of the proposed Insight Grant are to: (1) identify Canadian and global scholars, artists and practitioners

working in sustainability and the Arts (SATA); (2) build knowledge and understanding in the field by conducting a critical analysis of SATA research to date; (3) contribute to knowledge in the burgeoning field of SATA by examining the challenges and barriers to SATA research and practice in Canada; (4) support new approaches to research in the interdisciplinary field of SATA by initiating a Delphi study to develop a comprehensive research strategy for SATA scholarship; (5) cultivate collaborative partnerships and intellectual exchange; (6) mobilize research knowledge to and from the scholarly and artistic communities engaged in SATA; and (7) contribute to Canada's initiatives surrounding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and SSHRC's 16 global challenges.

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